
DIDIER SUPER, pure provocation!

Didier Super, whose real name is Olivier Didier Haudegond, (born in Douai on February 27, 1973)
is a French actor, humorist, singer, and musician.
Before 2002, Didier Super was part of the amateur group Zeu Discomobile,
which mainly made punk covers of well-known French songs.
In 2002, Didier Super began to write acidic songs, full of second degree,
deliberately rejecting any notion of good taste and political correctness.
He uses provocation to make himself known more easily and recognizes that his songs can be described as “shit”.
Didier Super encourages his audience and Internet users to download his works and even offers his album to download on his official website.
The music criticism page of Télérama magazine attributes a symbol to it that it only awards on very rare occasions: a cannon.
The columnist describes the album as “the worst record in the world and of all time”.

Retrouvez la discographie cotée de Didier Super, discographie cotée vinyles studio Didier Super, album studio Didier Super, valeurs des vinyles 33 tours de Didier Super, cote vinyles 33 tours de Didier Supe, cote vinyles Live de Didier Super, cote vinyles 33 tours de Didier Super, cote vinyles singles de Didier Super, Vaut Mieux En Rire Que S’En Foutre, Vaut Mieux En Rire Que S’En Foutre II,  Ben Quoi?, La Merde Des Autres, Le Moins Pire De Didier Super, Vacances à Vos Frais, Rire Une Dernière Fois Anvant, Arrête De Te La Péter / Y’En A Des Biens, Je Veux être Une Star, Je Veux être Une Star (Version pour Vieux),

Click on the banner to discover the entire listed discography of Didier Super.

Good reading

Last edited: 2024-01-24

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